Oceania Yacht Agency Prepares for Maintenance Season
It’s Spring and Summer is approaching in the South Pacific. Cyclone season will soon be on us and it’s time to vacate our tropical paradise for the safety of New Zealand waters. Oceania Yacht Agency stands ready to welcome yacht clients as you arrive with a comprehensive service that will meet all your needs.
The agency’s home port is Port Whangarei and from this base is able to cover all the northern ports of entry with a full yacht support service. Obviously, upon arrival in New Zealand and during ones stay it is an idea time to take a break, rotate crew, attend to the ‘jobs to do list’ or even schedule major survey and refit works. Oceania Yacht Agency in prepared and ready to assist.
Facilities and recent upgrades within Port Whangarei make it the ideal base for yachts to locate themselves for their New Zealand stay. The port features:
- Yacht agent support
- Customs entry port at Marsden Point
- Superyacht Berthage (casual and repair) up to 90 metres
- Fuel, provisioning and concierge services on hand
- Multiple shipyard and haulout options up to 1200 tonnes including Oceania Marine’s new 560T travel lift
- Extensive hardstand and refit sheds
- Extensive network of Marine supply and servicing businesses
- All marine trades and specialists available and experienced in superyacht requirements
- Regional airport close by
- Crew houses available
- Gateway to Northland’s café culture, extensive recreational activities and tourist destinations
- Or just take time out and see the wonders the rest of New Zealand can offer
Let Virginia Craig introduce you to what we can offer – email: agent@oceaniamarine.co.nz – mobile: +64 21 02689744 – web: www.oceaniayachtagency.com

Port Whangarei has extensive shipyard, hardstand and refit options for superyachts – Pictured is Oceania Marine’s new 560T travel lift on the hardstand at the Port Whangarei Marine Centre, South Shipyard, Port Whangarei, New Zealand