Oceania Marine Expands Its Yacht Support Services

Bay 2 Port Whangarei Marine Centre, New Zealand – Superyachts Clear the decks for refit works! – Tender Maintenance and storage.
With the expansion of berthage for large yachts at Port Whangarei and a new marina under construction the port has become an ideal destination for large yachts particularly those who seek an extended stay for refit/maintenance work. In response to this Oceania Marine is expanding its yacht services beyond the usual shipyard services to cater for vessels visiting the Oceania Region, entering New Zealand and requiring ‘on the water’ support services.
Details of our new yacht agency and Port Whangarei Business Hub will be released over the coming weeks but services are already being provided for Superyachts currently berthed at Port Whangarei. In addition to providing highly skilled trades people for maintenance works, logistical support is being provided at the Port Whangarei Marine Centre located alongside the superyacht berths. This is an exciting development for Oceania Marine and its yacht clients who are looking for a simple, efficient, solution to their support needs.